I have been using the ROSflight firmware for about a month now, and really enjoy the minimalism of the plattform. I was hoping to use ROSflight for some class projects, because I want to be able to do these projects in hardware using a minimal setup. So far I have written a few simple outer-loop controllers as individual ROS nodes publishing on the /command topic, which works great.
However, now I am planning on implementing an MPC controller setup, where the controller would be directly calculating the input torques. This means that I will not be needing the attitude controller in ROSflight, and I was hoping that I could just do a passthrough of the desired torques to the rotors. I do however still want to keep all the functionality with hardware setup, communication, RC setup, trimming etc. that comes with ROSflight, which is why I want to still use ROSflight, despite not using the actual attitude controller that comes with it.
My question is this: Will the MODE_PASS_THROUGH pass the x, y and z inputs directly through to the system as torques, or is this mode only ment for fixed-wing actuator control? Or would I need to modify the ROSflight Firmware to achieve what I am looking for?
And also: does my plan sound reasonable to you, or would you go with another software than ROSflight for something like this?
Thank you for help!